




We are primarily specialised in the Upstream segment of the Oil&Gas business, our core competences being in the Subsea System Engineering domain.

Many of these competences can serve the Energy Industry transversely.

We are actively and proudly serving the Upstream Oil&Gas and Offshore Wind sectors since 2018.

  • XT, WH and WOS

  • Well Jumpers, Manifold/Templates and Tie-In Systems

  • Valves and Actuators

  • Rigid spools, Flowlines/Pipelines and Risers

  • Umbilicals and Flexible pipes

  • Flow assurance and Insulation

  • Subsea Control System

  • Field Digitalisation

  • Metallurgy, Welding and NDE

  • Corrosion Prevention and Cathodic Protection

  • ROV and Tooling

  • Mechanical Completion and Pre-commissioning

  • Installation, Commissioning & Start-up

  • Decommissioning and removal activities

  • Subsea System Engineering

  • QA/QC & Fabrication Surveillance

We cooperate with other consultancy firms and service agencies to offer highest flexibility and one-stop-shop interface to our Clients.